Saturday, January 23, 2010

Bathing your horse in cool weather

I suggest the following when bathing your horse in cool weather (between 45 and 65 degrees F)

First, bring lots of towels and even a hair dryer - horses don't usually mind hair dryers and they are also a great way to desensitize the horse.

Second, use warm water when possible and an anti-bacterial soap to promote skin health. Scrub the entire body well, paying special attention to the legs and the stomach, areas that are most often exposed to mud and dirt.

After bathing the horse thoroughly, take a bottle of rubbing alcohol and pour or spray rubbing alcohol all over the horse - this will make your horse dry MUCH more quickly, as alcohol evaporates much faster than water.

Finally, completely dry your horse head to toe and cover him/her with a cooler until dry.

Warm water tanks are not usually very big in barns. Turn the water off while you are scrubbing down the horse to conserve the warm water as long as possible.